Friday, December 26, 2008
Sunday, December 14, 2008
life as usual. nothing happening except for xiaojiu's wedding dinner at malaysia& tea ceremony on the 9th.
reason for not uploading the photos; my compter is very lag and slow and i got quite alot of photos to upload!
SATURDAY night. drinking at Brewerkz.
end of the night with good company. (:
looking forward to the 28th DEC! xiaojiu's wedding!
shall update more!
if only the time can pass slower.. (:
Friday, November 21, 2008
Monday, November 17, 2008
Sunday, November 09, 2008
Monday, November 03, 2008

long weekend and it was a good weekend.
chalet; buffet, bbq, blackjack, mahjong and chit chat session.
beside food, chit chat session was the best man. haa. =D
sunday was movie at town, lunch at hongkong cafe and chilling at mcafe with laolee's and her two sister. back to chalet for small bbq (:
back to work. as usual, the work load, the snowball and its just a monday today. four more days to weekend. dead.
dinner with shijia, laolee and nad tmrw. can't wait to end work early tmrw and meet up the crazy one. (:
Saturday, October 25, 2008

yesterday there was a fire drill practice at our office and we walked all the way from 8th floor to the ground level. when we reached the ground level, the alarm stop and i told the security by now we are dead already right and they laughed.
its saturday today and i am home alone. boring. long weekend and once again its month end.
the journey will end one day.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Saturday, October 11, 2008

fun night whereby you get to see your friends. (:
addicted to COKE and chocolate. chocolate was bought back from spain by max so its safe to consume. LOL. drank two cans of COKE yesterday.
tell me how stop my addiction, sometimes i wish to stop it but there is something stopping me to do it.
You, you knew what you were doing to me
And I, I guess I was too blind to see
Well you hit where it hurt and you fooled me so bad
But I'd do it again to relive what we had
Saturday, October 04, 2008

had been craving for it for quite a few days.
went to have it after work with shijia, wenbin and agnes. cool.
happy. (((((:

the night was packed like hell but we manage to get seats and have our drink. loser tsa smuggle two bottles of beer home. damn bloated after drinking.its rained.下雨天 give me memories. ((((:
shall we drink again next week. ((((((((:
the day start from good to bad and bad to good. (:
its a SATURDAY tmrw. its will be packed. gotta go back and work ot.
lots of things to clear. i really dislike month end for now. darn.
junhao& derek's birthday celebration tmrw. (((:
time to say goodnight people.
are we feeling the same?
nights. (:
Thursday, October 02, 2008
Monday, September 29, 2008

the photo that both of us like. he knows me well.(((((((((:
went to compass point with brother to get his new spects.
wanted to have subway at compass point but the queue was way too long.
we ended up having subway at plaza sing. haa!
brother was nice enough to buy me the m)phosis handphone pouch. (((:
wanted to go bugis we ended up at amk hub. walked around and have a good chat with him. good day with him ((((((:
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Monday, September 22, 2008
Thursday, September 18, 2008

anyway, time for bed. its 1 am. going to see shijia& tsa in 9hours time! (:
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Thursday, September 11, 2008
说不出的心碎 Oh yeah
我还爱着一个人 但愿
不然为什么我还不撤退 Oh~
记得爱 所有幸福的片段
伸出手 继续勇敢付出我的爱
记得爱 是我给过的答案
就不再 考虑应该不应该
一滴泪 落进无边无际的大海
nice song. favorite for this week ((:
on the other hand, am going to pick up myself right from zero and change to be a better person. ((:
Tuesday, September 09, 2008

the two guys who always quarrel. (:
Sunday, August 31, 2008
worse weekend, worse weekday.
thanks for the company; brother.missng.seantan.
i didn't know how to manage it and i fall.
after i fall, i jst sat down and grumble.
i guess i shall pick myself up and walk towards the right direction.
shijia say today is the last day to be emo.
i guess so. last day of the week, last day of aug.
am not okay. sad or happy depends on what?
i will be better tmrw. back to work. jiayou.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Saturday, August 16, 2008
best week of august (:
monday: work& night class.
friday: work, night class& dinner/supper+movie+"hiking"+mustafa.
people use pen/pencil holder to hold their pen/pencil. huiying use small shoe box found by miss ng. (:
she email this to me because she locked me outside the office yesterday!! we went toilet together, after that she walked damn fast and closed the door. well done! i stood there for good ten minutes and lucky wenbin came to open the door for me.

went down to plaza sing to meet sean. brother joined us abit later as he gotta work. bought the tickets and we went for dinner/supper before the movie. two days straight of hongkong food. (:
i look so tired in those pictures. haa.

after movie our new friend ronald macdonald joined us. lol. my brother even kiss him. slack for an hour plus and we decided to walk. walk aimlessly. when we walk pass mustafa, i sugguest to go in and walk one round, indeed we went. after which, we cab home. super tired alrdy.
the best week of august.
Thursday, August 07, 2008
Thursday, July 24, 2008
it was a month whereby i've got lots of thought in my mind.
i guess there isn't a need to list down anything anyway.
if there is a need, i guess i need pages to write down. lol.
aisya came& look for me the other day and she reminds me of topshop suntec.
i miss those days& the people over there. (:
looking back, i really miss girlfriends&bj team.
suddenly, i felt that i lost all those very bonded stuff.
if one day you're going to leave, leave quietly so that i wun feel the absent. (:
its time for a break. (:
Friday, June 20, 2008
Tuesday, June 03, 2008
1st june 2008. meet up with shijia dearie. the main thing for the day was donut; double chocolate. (: walk around and had dinner at msq. after buying donuts, we walked over to bugis to wait for her boyfriend aka my best colleague; pang. little catch up with shijia. the feeling was great. i miss seeing her 4 out of 7 days. joey came to fetch us and after that was mahjong.
2ndjune 2008.
back to work; half morning. cady came to ps and wait for me before they release me. went to cine to sing kbox. kbox session was good. (: sing along with me! LOL. left at 7plus, went to centre point to find shidah and came back to hougang. dinner was great and i end off the night with mahjong once again.
time to have more sleep. slacking day and its back to work once again.
i feel good. (: (: (:
Wednesday, May 28, 2008

patience level seems to be lower, attitude seems to be getting worse, temper wise its getting bad.
all of the sudden, my mood just drop to the lowest at that moment, just like what happened yesterday. i got so empty and lost.
anyway, mahjong session made my day brighter with the laughter and joy. to stop my craving for ice cream, we went to buy ice cream after sending jocelyn home.
as the night gets darker, the emo feeling is here.
it always knock on my door and make me look back at those memories.
memories are good but i seems to be holding back something.
its time to move on but i don't seems to be letting it go.
something that i can't really describe.
i really don't know how i feel.
its just so random.
Friday, May 16, 2008
i really miss those days going to school with them.
Monday, May 12, 2008
Thursday, May 08, 2008

its just work, home, tv, myself and nothing.
how boring can your life be.
it can't be as boring as mine.
dragging yourself to work every single day.
facing the same merchandise, facing some nasty customer, doing the same thing like what you did yesterday.
lying to yourself that today will be better day than yesterday.
oooh. what a lie.
where are all my friends whenever i need a pair of listening ears
okay. enough of it.
back to work tmrw and its the same routine once again.
enough of all this grumbling.
its 1:03am now. goodnight.